Dr. Darcy Smith on femme vs. butch | GO Magazine

Dr. Darcy:

I’m a femme and have always been advised that We seem ‘straight’, whatever this means. Once I check-out lesbian pubs i will be dismissed as ‘bi-curious’ or even the ‘friend-of-a-lesbian’ woman. I’ve two questions:

1) Does becoming a lesbian mean that I want to butch myself personally right up to become taken seriously?

2) any kind of various other ladies who are into style, stylish restaurants, and that happen to be really trendy New Yorkers, for whom getting homosexual is not their whole identification?

You are not alone!

I had this question presented if you ask me continuously. It’s not effortless in a community and experience invisible, but modifying the way you look does not have to function as response. I am not saying I’ve never really had a Brittany minute where I asked the necessity of long-hair, the need for still another set of Manolos, additionally the possible change losing both might have on my knowledge of this society. But when I’ve stated before, the way to change a stereotype is certainly not through conformity. The feminist action ended up being intended to give us alternatives, maybe not restrict all of them.

That being said, in my opinion there are more lesbian and local bisexual women that have various interests such as patronizing the “webpage Six” businesses and having to pay obscene quantities of money to sit under the tents of Fashion month. As a resident unique Yorker, my personal advice is try looking in this really journal your club-like venues, and is where you will get a hold of femmes in figures!

Meanwhile, buy for yourself a season of

The L Word

, throw on that facial mask you do not have time for, and enjoy the validation your figures make available to people that femme on the center. Merely to be secure, get rid of the buzzer if you have one, least you find yourself in a weak second.

Email concerns to dr.darcysmith@gmail.com or call 212-604-0144*

*By distributing concerns, the author acknowledges that this lady has no rights of privacy and that her question of an adaptation thereof can be published in GO Magazine.  Communication between Dr. Darcy Smith and an author does not constitute a therapeutic relationship and such a relationship plus the rights/privileges related to such is only able to end up being established through a scheduled, directly session.